Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Boy am I tired........

And really shouldn't complain as Jim and I just returned from an all expense paid trip (thank you thank you thank you Mom and Dad) to the Panama Canal. We got back Saturday night but I caught a cold mid-way through the trip and so am now finishing up work for this upcoming show shuffling and sniffling a bit as I go.
Anyhow just wanted to do a quick post to remind people to come and visit this Saturday at the opening of this show at HumanArts gallery. The reception is 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Panama photos coming soon. (when I have time to breathe without so much sniffling) Best to all, Chris

I've done some special ornaments and a giant deer cut out for the window display. I'll try to post photos soon of the whole thing when it's finished.

Also some larger shadow boxes.

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